construct equal segments by extension


To place at a given point (as an extremity) a straight line equal to a given straight line.



From the given points \(A\) and \(B\) set segment \(\bar{AB}\).

From the given points \(C\) and \(D\) set segment \(\bar{CD}\) shorter than \(\bar{AB}\).

PROBLEM: Extend segment \(\bar{CD}\) to a length equal to \(\bar{AB}\)

construct circle \((A, B)\) as \(c_1\)

With points \(A\) and \(C\) construct segment \(\bar{AC}\)

contruct equilateral triangle on \(\bar{AC}\)

identify new point of equaliteral triangle as \(E\)

construct line \(\overline{EA}\)

construct line \(\overline{EC}\)

Identify new point on \(c_1\) intersecting with \(\overline{EA}\) as \(F\)

construct circle \((E, F)`\) as \(c_2\)

Identify new point on \(c_2\) intersecting with \(\overline{EC}\) as \(G\)

Let the straight lines AE, BF be produced [2] in a straight line with DA, DB; [] with centre B and distance BC let the circle CGH be described; [] and again, with centre D and distance DG let the circle GKL be described. []

Then, since the point B is the centre of the circle CGH,

\(\therefore\) BC is equal to BG.

Again, since the point D is the centre of the circle GKL,

\(\therefore\) DL is equal to DG.

And in these DA is equal to DB;

\(\therefore\) the remainder AL is equal to the remainder BG [3].


But BC was also proved equal to BG;

\(\therefore\) each of the straight lines AL, BC is equal to BG.

And things which are equal to the same thing are also equal to one another; [I.c.n.1]

\(\therefore\) AL is also equal to BC.

\(\therefore\) at the given point A the straight line AL is placed equal to the given straight line BC.

  • (Being) what it was required to do.


[I.def.15]: /elem.1.def.15 “Book I - Definition 15” [I.1]: /elem.1.1 “Book I - Proposition 1” []: / “Book I - Postulate 1” []: / “Book I - Postulate 2” []: / “Book I - Postulate 3” [I.c.n.1]: /elem.1.c.n.1 “Book I - Common Notion 1” [I.c.n.3]: /elem.1.c.n.3 “Book I - Common Notion 3”
