
  • geometor.render

    This core module of the geometor.render package is dedicated to visualizing geometric constructions. It offers a variety of functionalities for creating detailed and precise graphical representations:

    Each submodule in geometor.render plays a crucial role in bringing geometric models to life, providing a comprehensive suite for visualizing and understanding geometry through artful and accurate graphics.

  • geometor.render.plotter

    At the heart of the rendering process, this submodule is responsible for plotting basic geometric elements like points, lines, and circles. It manages the intricacies of drawing and styling these elements on a graphical canvas.

  • geometor.render.sequencer

    Specialized in creating sequences and animations, this submodule allows for dynamic visual exploration of geometric processes, enhancing the understanding of geometry through interactive visual narratives.

  • geometor.render.styles

    This submodule is key to customizing the aesthetic aspects of geometric diagrams. It provides a range of styling options, enabling users to tailor the look and feel of their visualizations to suit various purposes and preferences.

  • geometor.render.utils

    Offering utility functions that support the rendering process, this submodule includes tools for managing plot boundaries, taking snapshots, and other helpful utilities to streamline the creation of geometric visualizations.