geometor.render package¶
geometor.render.colors module¶
colors module¶
functions for working with color
- geometor.render.colors.get_colors(cmap_name, steps)¶
return a list of colors n regular steps from a colormap
geometor.render.common module¶
geometor.render.plot_elements module¶
plot_elements module¶
functions for rendering elements
- geometor.render.plot_elements.plot_circle(ax, circle, edgecolor='', facecolor='', linestyle='', linewidth='', fill='')¶
takes a sympy circle and plots with the matplotlib Circle patch
- geometor.render.plot_elements.plot_elements(ax, elements, bounds)¶
- geometor.render.plot_elements.plot_line(ax, el, bounds, color='', linestyle='', linewidth='')¶
geometor.render.points module¶
points module¶
functions to plot points
- geometor.render.points.gold_points(ax, pts, color='#C90', linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=12)¶
plot all the points in pts
- geometor.render.points.highlight_points(ax, pts, color='y', linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=7)¶
plot all the points in pts
- geometor.render.points.plot_points(ax, pts, color='w', linestyle='', marker='.', markersize=5, add_to_cursors=True)¶
plot all the points in pts
- geometor.render.points.plot_selected_points(ax, pts, color='#FF09', linestyle='', marker='o', markersize=15)¶
plot all the points in pts
geometor.render.polygons module¶
polygons module¶
functions to plot polygons
- geometor.render.polygons.plot_polygon(ax, poly, edgecolor='#36c9', facecolor='#36c3', linestyle='-', linewidth=1, fill=True)¶
takes a sympy Polygon and plots with the matplotlib Polygon patch
- geometor.render.polygons.plot_polygons(ax, poly_array)¶
geometor.render.segments module¶
segments module¶
functions to plot segments
- geometor.render.segments.plot_segment(ax, pt1, pt2, color='#fc09', linestyle='-', linewidth=3, marker='.', markersize=0)¶
- geometor.render.segments.plot_segment2(ax, seg, color='', linestyle='-', linewidth=0, marker='', markersize=0)¶
- geometor.render.segments.plot_segments(ax, segs)¶
geometor.render.styles module¶
styles module¶
functions to plot styles
geometor.render.utils module¶
utils module¶
functions to plot utils
- geometor.render.utils.adjust_lims(limx, limy, r=2.0)¶
- geometor.render.utils.adjust_ratio(w, h, r=1.7777777777777777)¶
- geometor.render.utils.ax_prep(ax, ax_btm, bounds, xlabel)¶
- geometor.render.utils.ax_prep_caption(bounds, xlabel)¶
- geometor.render.utils.ax_prep_full(bounds)¶
- geometor.render.utils.ax_prep_square(bounds=False)¶
- geometor.render.utils.ax_set_bounds(ax, bounds)¶
- geometor.render.utils.ax_set_spines(ax)¶
- geometor.render.utils.display(filename)¶
- geometor.render.utils.get_bounds_from_sections(sections, r=2.0)¶
- geometor.render.utils.get_limits_from_points(pts, margin=1)¶
find x, y limits from a set of points
- geometor.render.utils.set_bounds(limx, limy)¶
- geometor.render.utils.snapshot(folder, filename)¶
- geometor.render.utils.snapshot_2(folder, filename, transparent=False)¶
geometor.render.wedges module¶
wedges module¶
functions to plot wedges
- geometor.render.wedges.plot_wedge(ax, ctr_pt, rad_pt, sweep_pt, color='#0f03', linestyle='', linewidth=6, fill=True)¶
takes a sympy circle and plots with the matplotlib Circle patch
- geometor.render.wedges.plot_wedge_2(ax, ctr_pt, rad_val, a1, a2, fc='#0ff1', ec='#0002', linestyle='', linewidth=6, fill=True)¶
light wrapper for Wegde patch
Module contents¶
The Render Module provides functions for plotting elements from the geoemtric model to matplotlib.
- geometor.render.build_sequence(folder, ax, ax_btm, sequence, bounds, margin=1)¶
create snapshot for each step in sequence
- geometor.render.plot_all_groups(NAME, ax, ax_btm, history, groups, bounds)¶
- geometor.render.plot_all_ranges(NAME, ax, ax_btm, history, ranges, bounds)¶
- geometor.render.plot_all_sections(NAME, ax, ax_btm, history, sections, bounds)¶
- geometor.render.plot_group_sections(NAME, ax, ax_btm, history, sections, bounds, filename, title='golden sections')¶
- geometor.render.plot_ranges(NAME, ax, ax_btm, history, ranges, bounds)¶
plot each range from points
- geometor.render.plot_sections(NAME, ax, ax_btm, history, sections, bounds)¶
- geometor.render.plot_sequence(ax, sequence, bounds)¶
plot sequence of all types of elements in layers