opposing angles of intersecting lines are equal



If two straight lines cut one another, they make the vertical angles [1] equal to one another.


For let the straight lines AB, CD cut one another at the point E;

I say that the angle AEC is equal to the angle DEB,

  • and the angle CEB to the angle AED.

For, since the straight line AE stands on the straight line CD, making the angles CEA, AED,

  • the angles CEA, AED are equal to two right angles [I.13]

Again, since the straight line DE stands on the straight line AB, making the angles AED, DEB,

  • the angles AED, DEB are equal to two right angles. [I.13]

But the angles CEA, AED were also proved equal to two right angles;

  • therefore the angles CEA, AED are equal to the angles AED

DEB. [I.post.4] and [I.cn.1] Let the angle AED be subtracted from each; therefore the remaining angle CEA is equal to the remaining angle BED. [I.cn.3]

Similarly it can be proved that the angles CEB, DEA are also equal.

Therefore etc.


[From this it is manifest that, if two straight lines cut one another, they will make the angles at the point of section [2] equal to four right angles.


[I.13]: /I.13 “Book I - Proposition 13” [I.post.4]: /I.post.4 “Book I - Postulate 4” [I.cn.1]: /I.cn.1 “Book I - Common Notion 1” [I.cn.3]: /I.cn.3 “Book I - Common Notion 3”
