Source code for geometor.divine.golden.chains

Golden Chain Analyzer: Harmonic Range Identification in Golden Sections

This module is designed to analyze and explore chains of connected golden 
sections, unraveling the harmonic ranges within geometric structures. 
Utilizing sophisticated mathematical analysis and geometric algorithms, 
it aims to identify, categorize, and unpack chains, providing an intuitive 
understanding of their intrinsic geometric harmonies.

- `find_chains_in_sections`: A function designed to meticulously identify 
  chains within a collection of sections, resulting in a hierarchical tree 
  structure representing connected sections.
- `unpack_chains`: Unveils the chains hidden within the tree structure, 
  outputting a list of individual `Chain` objects ready for analysis.

Each chain’s flow is characterized by the comparative lengths of consecutive
segments, represented symbolically to understand the progression and 
transitions in segment lengths. Furthermore, this module empowers users to 
explore symmetry lines within chains, unveiling a subtle, profound aspect of 
geometric harmony.


from rich import print
from collections import defaultdict

from geometor.model import *
from geometor.model.utils import *
from geometor.render import *

[docs] def find_chains_in_sections(sections: list[Section]) -> dict: """ Identify chains of connected golden sections to form harmonic ranges. parameters: ``sections`` : :class:`list[Section]` A list of Section objects representing golden sections to be analyzed. returns: :class:`dict` A dictionary representing a tree structure where each node is a Section and connected Sections are child nodes. """ def add_to_chain_tree(section, tree): next_sections = find_connected_sections(section, sections, in_chain) for next_section in next_sections: in_chain.add(next_section) # TODO: don't add section to the tree until we know there is a chain section tree[next_section] = {} add_to_chain_tree(next_section, tree[next_section]) def find_connected_sections(current_section, sections, in_chain): connected_sections = [] for section in sections: if ( section not in in_chain and current_section.segments[1] == section.segments[0] ): connected_sections.append(section) return connected_sections chain_tree = {} in_chain = set() for section in sections: if section not in in_chain: # TODO: don't add section to the tree until we know there is a chain section chain_tree[section] = {} in_chain.add(section) add_to_chain_tree(section, chain_tree[section]) chain_tree = {k: v for k, v in chain_tree.items() if v} return chain_tree
[docs] def unpack_chains(tree: dict) -> list[Chain]: """ Unpack the chain tree into a list of individual Chain objects. parameters: ``tree`` : :class:`dict` A dictionary representing a tree structure where each node is a Section and connected Sections are child nodes. returns: :class:`list[Chain]` A list containing Chain objects, each representing a chain of connected golden sections. """ def dfs(node, path, chains): if not node: chains.append(Chain(path)) # Create a Chain object and add it to the chains return for child, subtree in node.items(): dfs(subtree, path + [child], chains) chains = [] for root, subtree in tree.items(): dfs(subtree, [root], chains) # Starting the path with the root section return chains