004 • Response
- puzzle_id:
- description:
- timestamp:
- call_count:
- model:
The input grid is a 3x3 grid with maroon (9), yellow (4), and red (2) each occupying a column. The output grid is also a 3x3 grid, but the colors have changed. Maroon (9) is now azure (8), yellow (4) is now green (3), and red (2) is now magenta (6). This again appears to be a color mapping, but different from the previous examples.
import numpy as np
input_grid = np.array([[9, 4, 2],
[9, 4, 2],
[9, 4, 2]])
output_grid = np.array([[8, 3, 6],
[8, 3, 6],
[8, 3, 6]])
print("Input Grid:\n", input_grid)
print("\nOutput Grid:\n", output_grid)
#Attempting a color mapping
color_map = {9:8, 4:3, 2:6}
transformed_grid = np.zeros_like(input_grid)
for i in range(input_grid.shape[0]):
for j in range(input_grid.shape[1]):
transformed_grid[i,j] = color_map[input_grid[i,j]]
print("\nTransformed Grid (color mapping):\n", transformed_grid)
comparison = np.equal(transformed_grid, output_grid)
print("\nComparison (Transformed Grid == Output Grid):\n", comparison)
all_equal = np.all(comparison)
print(f"\nAre all values equal? {all_equal}")
code_execution_result: 1
Input Grid:
[[9 4 2]
[9 4 2]
[9 4 2]]
Output Grid:
[[8 3 6]
[8 3 6]
[8 3 6]]
Transformed Grid (color mapping):
[[8 3 6]
[8 3 6]
[8 3 6]]
Comparison (Transformed Grid == Output Grid):
[[ True True True]
[ True True True]
[ True True True]]
Are all values equal? True
width: 3
height: 3
- 9: 3
- 4: 3
- 2: 3
- size: 3x1, position: (0,0), color: maroon
- size: 3x1, position: (0,1), color: yellow
- size: 3x1, position: (0,2), color: red
width: 3
height: 3
- 8: 3
- 3: 3
- 6: 3
- size: 3x1, position: (0,0), color: azure
- size: 3x1, position: (0,1), color: green
- size: 3x1, position: (0,2), color: magenta
cells_changed: 9
colors_changed: All colors are changed. Maroon becomes azure, yellow becomes green, and red becomes magenta.
- A color mapping is applied. Maroon (9) maps to azure (8), yellow (4) maps to green (3), and red (2) maps to magenta (6).
The code confirms that a color mapping is the transformation rule. Each input color is replaced by a specific output color; however, the mapping is unique to this example, just as in previous examples. There’s no single, consistent mathematical or sequential rule across all four examples besides the application of a unique color mapping for each input grid.
response time |
total elapsed |
8.897 |
33.738 |
token type |
call count |
total used |
Prompt |
6598 |
17538 |
Response |
873 |
3482 |
Total |
7471 |
21020 |
Cached |
0 |
0 |
See also